Fragments: Celebrities are kind of blank so that we can scribble on them
“…(Taylor Swift) just sort of, in her concerts, with this platform with the keyboard, just stood there like a messiah, and talked to this huge crowd…I got some transcripts and studied them read them and she has said nothing. She has genuinely not said anything. That vagueness of speech that people were just like, i want this, and they fill in the blanks, and its preaching to the converted, quite literally.”
-Hannah Gatsby on Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend, 2019
“Although we can never really know the truth about a celebrity, as it is a mediated and highly constructed position, the pursuit of that truth allows audiences to organize and understand themselves and the world around them.”
-Meyers, Erin “‘Can You Handle My Truth?” Authenticity and the Celebrity Star Image